Michaelmas term got off to a good start for BCBC and BCWBC, with the traditional novice drinks and BBQ driving recruitment. In particular, the women’s side saw a huge uptake and was able to field three boats for Christ Church Regatta. Seniors were also training hard and made good use of the Abingdon stretch. There’s tight competition for spots in the top Torpids crews on both side and the outlook for Hilary Term is definitely positive! We have two rowers trialing for university squads this year – Grace Joel (OUWLRC) and Jonathan Martin (OULRC) – who’ll be heading off for training camps soon after the New Year. Eleanor Shearer (OUWBC) did her undergraduate degree at Balliol and is trialing as a cox having coxed the OUWBC Blue Boat last year (while at Balliol).


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