
Stories and Photos

We’re always looking for more stories and pictures to include on our history page, add to our race report archives, or just build our media library (coming soon). Whether you are an alum, supporter, family, friend, or current member, here is an easy way to contribute stories and pictures.

If you are submitting pictures, please include as much of the following information as you can in the “Post Content”:

  • When was this photo taken? Date? Year? Event?
  • Who is pictured in the photo?
  • Which crews are pictured in the photo?
  • Where was the photo taken?
  • How did we do, if the photo is from a regatta?
  • Who took the picture?

What Happens Next

Whatever you submit will be added to the general lore of Balliol College Boat Club.

If your story or picture is about a specific regatta, we will incorporate it into a race report. Our goal is to slowly build the archive of race reports until we have the whole of Balliol’s history covered. This may not happen instantly, as (especially for larger events) we generally wait to build information from multiple crews before publishing a race report. Also, we hesitate to publish race reports without at least one photograph. Of course, reports can always be updated, so feel free to submit additional information at any time!

If your submission is of general historical interest, because it involves the club’s early days or features significant events in the club’s history, we will incorporate the information into our history page. We will build up an “Acknowledgements” section at the end of that page as submissions come in and are incorporated, but do indicate if you have particular concerns about acknowledgement.

If your story is an interesting historical piece but perhaps doesn’t quite reach the level of the history page, we may put it in a back-dated news story.

Finally, if a submission doesn’t seem to fit anywhere else, we will hold onto it until we can figure out what to do with it. We are sorting out the best way to build a general media library, timeline of images, or similar. This website is very new, and depending on the sorts of submissions we get, we may have to modify its structure around the submissions!

What Not to Submit

In general, we are fairly liberal about taking and using race reports and Facebook pictures from current club members for current events. So please don’t submit information from after about 2010 unless there is a compelling reason. In general, contemporary race reports should be e-mailed directly to the president as soon as possible after the race.

Also, please do not submit photographs or written work that you are not happy to have appear on the Balliol College Boat Club website, or you know came from a commercial entity (Big Blade, Jet Photographic, etc.) We are working under the assumption that our members don’t mind our using their photographs on this site, but if you think you have content that didn’t come from a sympathetic source, please don’t submit it.

Your submission

Please, please, please include your e-mail address in your submission if you would like a reply of any kind, and include your name if you would like credit for your submission.

Please send all such submissions to the current President.