Novice Rowing!
Rowing at Balliol gives you the chance to get yourself some classy Balliol kit, rights to say you’ve “rowed at Oxford” and maybe even get fit! And as if that wasn’t incentive enough, bumping during Eights (in English: “catching the boat in front during the big summer competition”) means Pimms, cheers and hugs as you land. And that’s not even hitting on all the beaut summer afternoons spent on the river with some wonderful people. The early mornings aren’t as hard as you might think and you’re guaranteed in an invite to an Oxford Boat Club official fancy dinner. Sass levels: unprecedented.
There’s absolutely no need to feel daunted if you’ve never rowed before. Most of our rowers had never picked up a blade before coming to Oxford; a testament to the welcoming nature of the boat club, the lack of experience required, and the incredible coaching

Balliol has got for you. And that’s not to say we’re only for amateurs. If you find yourself dreaming in blue and red, or absent-mindedly squatting during a tutorial, our coaches will make sure you keep getting pushed.
We also offer a no-sweat-but-no-less-essential way to be a part of the Boat Club: coxing! It’s arguably the most important role in the boat and involves steering and providing encouragement (or threats as needed) to your crew. Experience is not required either, and this is basically all the Boat Club benefits without having to raise your heart rate, only your voice. Whichever you’re interested in, you’ll be able to get involved regardless of your time and effort commitment.
If you’re feeling curious about rowing or coxing, or even on-the-fence-y, then message us below and we’ll add you to the relevant chats, or chat to any of the many stash laden rowers you’ll inevitably spot about college!